Upper School Tower Talks

The Upper School’s Tower Project students proudly invite you to view a showcase of their work in this year’s Tower Talks on Wednesday, May 19. Presentations will be held outside in a variety of locations on campus. Click here for a schedule of the talks, and click here for a map of the locations.

Many thanks to Kate Gay, Upper School English teacher; and Wade Bosworth, Upper School science teacher, who serve as Tower Project co-coordinators.

Student Name Project Title
Enrique Aldape '21 Interdisciplinary tutoring approach - Embedding concepts from math and science in music education.
Laine Bolton '21 Athletic Training/Research - Learning and applying injury prevention techniques and leading to fewer necessary surgeries.
Justine Cole '21 Service Dogs and Mental Health - Types of training for working dogs, certification of dogs, and science behind these therapies.
Jimmy Fox '21 Inspiring and completing service for neighborhood revitalization in Milwaukee.
Karly Francis '21 Causes and psychology of political radicalization and right-wing extremism (QAnon).
Irene Gay '21 Study of language acquisition and development of creative writing program/texts aimed at improving Milwaukee student refugee literacy.
Paige Hanley '21 Scholarly writing on global warming and global policy combating it.
Caroline Harkless '21 Racist government policies causing environmental injustice.
Harrison Harjes '21 Coral reef destruction and artificial 3D-printed reefs or other modes of revitalizing reefs.
Ellie Leverett '21 Developing aphasia rehabilitation via melodic intonation therapy and other experimental therapies.
Maddie Marler '21 3D-printed supply kits and essential tools to serve the needs of refugee camps in Uganda.
Ella Martin '21 Creative writing project to accurately and sensitively portray mental illness in order to spread awareness.
Sydney Miracle '21 Causes of medical misdiagnosis and mental and emotional health effects of long-term care.
Alo Mora-Munoz '21 Mental health care specifically aimed at adolescents.
Mimi Norman '21 Creating realistic and accurate portrayal in fiction of homicide investigation and crime.
Prekindergarten (age 3) - Grade 12 • Independent • Coeducational
© 2021 University School of Milwaukee
2100 W. Fairy Chasm Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217 • 414.352.6000